graduation day at Cardiff Met


A personal one today, some of you may know I went to Uni to study textiles, and actually finished this in 2020 during the pandemic. I finished my degree from my parent's dining room table, it was very stressful trying to work without the assurance from tutors and other students, it was all just a really surreal experience.

Because of Covid, graduation has been put off for two years now. It was for the best, it was a huge number of people coming together, along with their parents, grandparents, friends, children, just so many people in this one building in Cardiff Bay.

I was very nervous leading up to the actual event, I don't know why, it wasn't even that long of a day, but I packed plenty of snacks, put on a nice dress and got going.

cardiff millenium centre graduation day


It was a lovely day when we arrived, I put my heels on in the car and managed to walk to the venue, already very much regretting my footwear choices.

This was the first time I was going to see my friends agin for two years, it was pretty mad how long it had been, but living so far apart and not all of us being able to drive meant we hadn't gotten a chance to meet up before now. It was lovely to see everyone again, literally like no time had passed.

I got in the queue for the gown, which I did forget to order. The line was huge, but I noticed a counter for 'Last Minute Hires' and thought Oh! That's me then.

Turns out not hiring beforehand was a very good decision, I skipped about forty minutes of queue time and got dressed straight away there, so I was very pleased with that. A minute later my friend, who had been a while ahead of me, finished getting into hers as well, and we both went and got photos done.

graduation day in cardiff millenium centre in the bay, three girls wearing graduation gowns

myself and a friend smiling for a photo in our graduation gowns, graduating from Textiles at Cardiff Met in Cardiff Bay

We waited around for the ceremony to start, got plenty of photos done and had a snack and a cuppa before we went in for a rehearsal. It was pretty brief, everyone else started coming in and filling up seats and it got started.

The actual ceremony was mostly everyone walking across the stage, I was somewhere in the middle of it all and very much regretted my shoe choice, but otherwise all went well.

Cardiff Met graduation ceremony

After it all finished, we said our goodbyes and myself and a friend headed into town for a meal and a bit of shopping before I returned to my grandparents house for the evening, to get ready for the St Fagans Makers Market the day afterwards!

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