skincare routine self care gift sets for her

What's Coming this Year

I'm definitely in that productive mindset moment in the year at the moment. Years ago I would be planning new years resolutions, but now it feels more right to reflect on my business, set some goals and plan for the year ahead.

I think last year had some tough moments because I got busy and fell behind in the things that are easy to fall behind in, including social media, emails etc. These is something I want to tackle this year, by planning and scheduling ahead of time to be ready for all events and occasions that happen throughout this new year.

So what's on the cards for Tahlia Paige this year?

- New products: I've spoke about this a little already, I have some ideas to expand my skincare line a little, work some more on my art prints and include some different sizes, and put out cards for more occasions that I can print on demand.

- More wholesale: I have loved working with giftshops and boutiques this year, and it is definitely something I want to continue with. I set a goal of ten wholesale orders this year and hit it, so I would love to get 20 more in 2023.

- More events: I enjoyed doing events this year, and I'm sure once I start booking some I can let you know exactly where to find me out in the wild! I will also be giving myself time off throughout the year when events are more quiet.

- Expanding my pattern portfolio: I said this last year and I added a few patterns here and there, but I think I need to set myself a number of patterns to do each month as I think it'll help me to keep motivated and complete collections to a deadline. Not only would this help my chances at licensing opportunities, but also give me plenty more patterns to show off to all of you!

- Taking part in online events: The next big one will be the Faire Winter Market that takes place on the 24th on this month. This is a great chance to try out my wholesale collection with plenty of discounts in the two day event!


I'm sure this list will continue to grow as January goes on, I know my ideas notebook is expanding and by the end of the month I hope to have a clear idea of what I'm doing this year and to keep you all informed about it!

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